Why should you start your meeting with an icebreaker?

Starting a presentation on the right foot is crucial for engaging your audience and setting a positive tone for the rest of your talk. 

However, sometimes this can be easier said than done… People might not know each other or maybe you don’t feel like you’re the best at public speaking and need to get into the spirit. 

That’s why we suggest starting with an icebreaker so you break the tension and kick things off in the best way possible.

What is an icebreaker?

First things first: what exactly is an icebreaker? Ice breakers are activities or techniques used at the beginning of a meeting or presentation to help participants relax, become more comfortable, and foster a sense of connection with one another. 

These are especially helpful in groups where the participants don’t know each other very well and might be feeling a bit awkward or insecure. 

Icebreakers should also be quick and easy to answer. 

What are the benefits of using icebreakers in your meeting?

  1. Capture the audience’s attention, making them more receptive to the rest of the presentation.

  2. Create a positive atmosphere, breaking down barriers and creating a welcoming and inclusive environment.

  3. Reduce everyone’s anxiety, making both you and the audience more at ease and less nervous.

  4. Energize the group by giving them a break from regular meetings and getting them excited about the subject.

  5. Encourage participation from the beginning, demonstrating that every opinion counts.

  6. Develop a deeper connection with the audience, by getting them to share a different side of themselves and making them find common ground.

  7. Lay the foundation for the subject that’s going to be discussed next.


How to create the perfect icebreaker?

Your icebreaker should be relevant and connect well with your audience and the subject of the meeting. Otherwise, it can be viewed as a waste of time that didn’t really add anything to the presentation. So here’s a few tips to make sure you create the right icebreaker: 

  • As we mentioned, tailor your icebreaker to the preferences and demographics of your audience to ensure they understand it and feel engaged.

  • Choose icebreakers that are short and simple, setting the tone for the presentation without overshadowing the main content. For example, if the presentation is 1h, the first 5-10 minutes can be for the icebreaker. 

  • Select icebreakers that are relevant to the topic or theme of your presentation, so the transition to the main content is seamless.

  • Experiment with different types of icebreakers, such as questions, games, or activities, to keep things fresh and engaging. This is especially important if you keep applying these to an audience where a lot of the people are the same. You should innovate and improve so you don’t get too repetitive. 

  • Use icebreakers strategically, avoiding overuse or repetition. Not every meeting needs to start this way. The key is always balance, so they maintain their effectiveness.

  • Create icebreakers that are low-effort. By making the participants choose just an option through a multiple-choice click, you have better chances of people responding.

Would you like some ideas for your next meeting?

Here are a few examples of icebreaker activities that you can adapt to your context and organize with the help of Feedbeo.

Low-effort icebreakers perfect for regular meetings:

  1. “How are you feeling today?” where people rate from 1 (= Extremely unhappy) to 10 (= Extremely happy) how they’re feeling. You can use the scale poll for this. You can also ask things like “Rate your past week”, for example.

  2. “What’s your level of experience in..?” where people vote for “Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced” through the multiple-choice poll.

  3. “What’s the first word that comes to mind when…?” / “Describe [something] in just one word”: For this, we’d suggest you use the word cloud format where participants write down the first word they think of when you say something.

Fun icebreakers that could help you in newer settings where not everyone knows each other:

  1. 2 truths, 1 lie: The classic game where the audience has to guess which fact or story is a lie amid the truth. You can ask participants to submit their answers before the meeting and then create a multiple-choice where you let people vote on the option they think is a lie. You can also use the Q&A format so the participant submits their 3 sentences live and then let everyone verbally discuss and vote for the lie.

  2. Would you rather..? Another classic game where you present 2 scenarios and let people discuss which one they would choose and why. You can use the multiple-choice poll or the ranking poll here. 


These activities are designed to break down barriers, encourage interaction, and create a positive atmosphere. That way, the group will feel more comfortable communicating and collaborating. The icebreaker can also help the presenter tailor the presentation to the audience if it’s well-thought-out.

Are you thinking of starting your next presentation with an icebreaker? Feedbeo is the right tool for that! You can follow one of the examples above, create your own, or use the help of Feedbeo’s AI Assistant to come up with some ideas. 

Go to feedbeo.com and create your icebreaker.